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Idelson Gnocchi

The Ten Kings Of The Sea

The Ten Kings Of The Sea

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The Ten Kings of the Sea is a fictional story based upon Pierre and Jacques Mayol’s shared underwater experiences and discoveries. Their interest in the lost continent of Atlantis led them to the Atlantic Ocean, the Bahamas and the mysteries of Bimini and elsewhere. Along the way, Jacques discovered a Spanish galleon sunk some 300 years ago. This search, discovery and the results of exploring this shipwreck provide the primary inspiration for this novel. Jacques Mayol – writer, world-famous diver and holder of a dozen world records, has been acclaimed for his pioneering work in the field of deep breath-hold diving. In 1976, he became the first man to break the 100 meter level (330 feet). A Frenchman born in China in 1927, Jacques Mayol split his life between Italy, the West Indies on the island of South Caicos and Japan. He died in Italy in December 2001 bringing to an end a life-long passion for diving and becoming one with nature and the sea. Jacques also collaborated in the writing and production of many documentary films. His physical performance was enhanced by his knowledge and practice of Yoga, other oriental disciplines and his study of various philosophies. His life was the subject of Luc Besson’s film The Big Blue (Le Grand Bleu). In that film, actor Jean-Marc Barr’s character was based upon Jacques’ superb physical capabilities in deep breath-hold diving and his remarkably empathetic bond with dolphins. His most recent book in English, ‘Homo Delphinus, The Dolphin within Man’, published in 2000, is considered to be the Bible for all breath-hold divers. Pierre Mayol, Jacques’ older brother, studied philosophy, logic and metaphysics and specialized in "Proto-history." In France, he published many articles in marine-oriented magazines. Among his published books are "Le Grand Doute" and "Les Hommes de Pierre". In this novel, Pierre and Jacques have attempted to open a new window onto the mystery of the ocean, and into the mythological links between man and the sea, connections that have always intrigued us.
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